
Posts Tagged ‘breathing’

Since this morning, the day has continued to look extremely positive. I even enjoyed cleaning the kitchen and my room (usually a tedious chore). I’m pretty sure my abnormally extremely good mood, calm attitude, and laid back demeanor revolves around the fact that I’ve been meditating recently.  I learned this trick from an incredible role model–sit, Indian style, with your back straight, eyes closed, and focus on taking deep breaths, in through your nose, out through the mouth. Then, inhale all the positive things you want to bring into your life (success, health, happiness, love, perseverance…) and exhale all that you want to get rid of (failure, despair, hate…) Don’t only think about these things, actually feel the happiness coming into you and the bad leaving. When your mind starts to wander, revert your focus back to your breathing.


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